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Clearsale Clearsale


Since 2018, the Company has been certified by Blab as a B Company. This means that the company measures and reports its impacts throughout its value chain and is committed to continuous improvement in sustainability. In addition to being certified, ClearSale supports Imperative21, a campaign to redefine capitalism.


Prior to the pandemic, we had already started some hybrid work formats (part of the week at the office and another part at home office), today 99% of our employees work in a home office format, which allows us to reduce the carbon footprint in relation to locomotion to the job. In the face-to-face format, one way to reduce this impact was through incentives for the use of public transport, in which the organization paid the necessary amount, being, in most cases, above what is required by law for people to be able to use public transport.

Among our practices in our facilities, we have a building that uses systems with the objective of increasing the efficiency in the use of water (equipment and efficient devices in the restrooms, in addition to faucets, sinks, low-flow urinals to save water). Our offices have a recycling program that allows the segregation of waste into recyclable and non-recyclable, which since its implementation has allowed the reduction and use of approximately 20% of waste. As well as not using disposable cups that were replaced by reusable cups.

We carried out the transition of some equipment to be energy efficient, such as light bulbs and sensor on and off systems. Of the waste generated, we properly dispose of our obsolete equipment.

With our employees in mind, we promote campaigns and activities on conscious consumption, making them increasingly active and protagonists in terms of sustainability.

Through Incentive Laws (Municipal Program to Support Cultural Projects - Pro-Mac, established by Law No. 15,948/2013 and regulated by Decree No. 59,119/2019, aims to encourage cultural and artistic projects through tax waiver), we support some projects, among them Digital Apprentices: it aims to promote free workshops related to digital insertion, programming, robotics and visual arts. The program aims to impact two communities in a situation of social vulnerability during a school year, for the sociocultural development of the local population through digital culture and its relationship with the environment of the arts. Not only through tax incentives, engaged in encouraging culture access for all, ClearSale has supported the Growing Association Project since 2012. The project consists of bringing music through the teaching of violin and singing to children from public schools in São Paulo. As well as seasonal support for projects promoting education and professionalization for groups in vulnerable situations. Through the core bussiness ClearSale seeks to generate confidence by supporting the management of transactions institutions such as Grupo Mulheres do Brasil; Generating Falcons; Friends of Good; AACD among others. ( )


Since the beginning of the company, ClearSale has been providing spaces for exchange and learning between people. In these spaces, different themes are addressed, including diversity and inclusion. However, in December 2018, the company realized the need to direct and develop projects focused on the theme so that the company is increasingly representative, inclusive and fair. Therefore, a project was developed and actions focused on awareness, training and structure were elaborated. With the implementations of the actions, the project has become a program and is currently an area that works together with other areas of the company and with the leaders so that the actions of diversity and inclusion happen in the best possible way for all people in the company. Valuing the place of speech, autonomy and representativeness, groups were created to include people with disabilities, gender equity, blackness and LGBTQIA+ people so that structural changes can happen in the company and in society. Each group has a representative of the high leadership who leads it and is part of the reality of the people in the groups. In addition to the inclusion groups, we have a squad that takes care of structuring actions and processes that may come from business needs or by groups' activities.

Clear Sale is a company made up of people working together for a better world. To achieve its purpose, Clear Sale has Corporate Governance as one of its pillars, through which it establishes robust standards of transparency, equity, accountability, and corporate responsibility. Clear Sale's Corporate Governance system follows the best national corporate governance practices and is constantly reviewed to ensure that its processes are aligned with the governance guidelines established by the Board of Directors.

To reinforce its commitment to the topic, Clear Sale has a Corporate Governance Department. Clear Sale was established in accordance with the precepts of the Brazilian Corporate Law. (Law No. 6,404, of December 15, 1976) and the rules of the Novo Mercado, its listing segment. In addition, Clear Sale also observes the recommendations of the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code edited by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). The Company's commitment to the best governance practices is reflected, among others, in its growing level of adherence to the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code, as presented annually through its Corporate Governance Report.

Corporate Governance Structure

Clear Sale is managed by its Board of Directors and its Executive Board.

Clear Sale's Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of 7 (seven) and a maximum of 9 (nine) members, currently composed of 7 (seven) members, all elected and dismissed by the General Meeting, with a unified term of office of 2 (two) years, reelection allowed. The Company's Bylaws, in line with the Novo Mercado guidelines, determines that at least 2 (two) or 20% (twenty percent) of the members of the Board of Directors must be independent directors, as defined in the Regulation of the New Market. Currently, 4 (four) of the 7 (seven) members of the Board of Directors are independent directors, which corresponds to 57.14% (fifty-seven point fourteen percent) of its composition.

The Board of Directors is responsible for, among others, the election and dismissal of the Company's Officers, the attribution of their functions, approval of their powers and policies and the supervision of their management.

The Board of Directors, for the best performance of its functions, can create committees or work groups with defined objectives, being integrated by people designated by it among the members of the administration and/or other people linked, directly or indirectly, to the Company. Clear Sale currently has 2 (two) statutory committees, the Audit and Risk Committee and the People Committee.