Clear Sale is a company made up of people working together for a better world. To achieve its purpose, Clear Sale has Corporate Governance as one of its pillars, through which it establishes robust standards of transparency, equity, accountability, and corporate responsibility. Clear Sale's Corporate Governance system follows the best national corporate governance practices and is constantly reviewed to ensure that its processes are aligned with the governance guidelines established by the Board of Directors.
To reinforce its commitment to the topic, Clear Sale has a Corporate Governance Department. Clear Sale was established in accordance with the precepts of the Brazilian Corporate Law. (Law No. 6,404, of December 15, 1976) and the rules of the Novo Mercado, its listing segment. In addition, Clear Sale also observes the recommendations of the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code edited by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). The Company's commitment to the best governance practices is reflected, among others, in its growing level of adherence to the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code, as presented annually through its Corporate Governance Report.
Corporate Governance Structure
Clear Sale is managed by its Board of Directors and its Executive Board.
Clear Sale's Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of 7 (seven) and a maximum of 9 (nine) members, currently composed of 7 (seven) members, all elected and dismissed by the General Meeting, with a unified term of office of 2 (two) years, reelection allowed. The Company's Bylaws, in line with the Novo Mercado guidelines, determines that at least 2 (two) or 20% (twenty percent) of the members of the Board of Directors must be independent directors, as defined in the Regulation of the New Market. Currently, 4 (four) of the 7 (seven) members of the Board of Directors are independent directors, which corresponds to 57.14% (fifty-seven point fourteen percent) of its composition.
The Board of Directors is responsible for, among others, the election and dismissal of the Company's Officers, the attribution of their functions, approval of their powers and policies and the supervision of their management.
The Board of Directors, for the best performance of its functions, can create committees or work groups with defined objectives, being integrated by people designated by it among the members of the administration and/or other people linked, directly or indirectly, to the Company. Clear Sale currently has 2 (two) statutory committees, the Audit and Risk Committee and the People Committee.